The Human Nature

Eh!  Man,
Your nature is such a big mystery .
Unexplained ,puzzling & translucent since history !

You have so many colours, so many looks,
Some said they found you in past ,some in books!

But Alas! Only a few could understand that you are ;
 Like an unholdable fine sand in hand …

Sometimes you are so strong that challenges storm to fight,
Sometimes a joy, so fearlessly light!

Compassion and love makes your happiness so profound,
That melts rock hard and knows no bound.

You can push the man into a depressing reality,
And also sway him towards a joyful vitality!

But who are you still throws me strangled,
Between thought and doubts, I ‘m entangled.
After all, when has been human able to fear and live?
When only it was valorous, life always had something to give.

Jeers, Cheers & Joyful tears  ,
Sorrow, pain or trembling fears
 Eh! Human
 Your nature has many colours, has many shades.
It continues to be dynamic …
endlessly,unexplained, until  life fades!..